Telecommunication engineer and Data passionate.

What I really love about data science is how research and coding together are much more fun!

I discovered data science with a Machine Learning course in Coursera by professor Andrew Ng from Stanford University, and soon realized I wanted to go deeper. To do so, I joined Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree by Google at Udacity, where I learned really useful things through hands on projects, working with data in Python using scikit-learn, pandas, scipy and numpy. I completed the course with a capstone project on deep learning using Tensorflow with the objective of detecting whales through recordings made at the sea.

I also have completed the Data Analyst Nanodegree by Facebook and MongoDB, where I learned how to properly analyze data and make good visualizations. I acquired new skills in test analysis, R (ggplot, dplyr…), D3.js, SQL, OpenStreetMap and A/B tests.

I also love to apply all these skills to help other students from the Deep Learning Nanodegree Foundation and the Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree as Udacity Project Reviewer in projects related to Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Statistical Analysis and general Machine Learning.